Glory to Glory Ministries

3rd Year Junior Church Curriculum

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T hru the Bible! In the 3rd Year of this Curriculum, you and your students will travel from the book of Matthew through the book of Revelation.
  • 9th Quarter -- The ninth quarter covers the Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell the greatest story ever told -- the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The birth and childhood of Jesus are introduced through the eyes of Clem, Joseph's faithful but slightly goofy donkey. Then you will learn about the early ministry and miracles of our Savior.
  • 10th Quarter -- The tenth quarter covers the Gospels (Matthew - John). In this quarter, Jesus continues His earthly ministry, teaching and preaching about the kingdom of God. Then, you will travel with Delbert the Donkey into Jerusalem with Jesus the Messiah on his back. You will relive that sad day when Jesus is betrayed, beaten, and crucified. And you will rejoice again on the third day when Jesus rises from the grave, victorious over sin, death, and the Devil.
  • 11th Quarter -- The eleventh quarter covers Acts, Romans, and I & II Corinthians. In this quarter, you will learn how the early church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, went into all the world preaching the Gospel. The greatest church planter in the New Testament was the Apostle Paul. The Holy Spirit led Paul to write several letters to new believers, instructing them in right doctrine about Jesus and right conduct in the world.
  • 12th Quarter -- In the twelfth quarter, you will be finishing up the shorter epistles of the Apostle Paul to the churches (Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I and II Thessalonians), then Paul's letters to individual Christians (I and II Timothy, Titus, and Philemon). Then you will examine the book of Hebrews, followed by letters written by other early church leaders (James, I and II Peter, I, II, and III John, and Jude). In a glorious climax, you will spend your final weeks in the Apostle John's great book of the end time -- Revelation.

9th Quarter
9th Quarter
10th Quarter
10th Quarter
11th Quarter
11th Quarter
12th Quarter
12th Quarter

Click here for an overview of the 9th Quarter lessons. Download a sample lesson -- "The Temptation of Christ." (PDF size=500 kb)

M usic-Driven! Children love lively music, and one of the best ways to teach God's Word to children is through music. "101 Songs Thru the Bible with Boot the Mule," each song written by Christian Attorney Terry Lee Hamilton, will delight as well as instruct children of all ages.

CD The Curriculum Notebook for each quarter includes a CD with all of the songs accompanying the 13 lessons. The CD contains each song sung by vocalists with the accompaniment. Also on the CD is an instrumental version of each song to be used if you do not have a piano player. Here is a list of the 9th Quarter songs.
Songbook The Curriculum also includes a bound volume of the sheet music for each year. Volume 3 for the 3rd Year (123 pages) includes 50 songs. You can view the sheet music for one of the 3rd Year songs entitled Blotted Out!

Puppet-Driven! Every week you will have a visit from Boot the Mule, Oscar the Pig, Smithfield the Swine, or Cecilia Swine. In addition, we introduce the following Bible-based critters in the 3rd Year of the Curriculum.
  • Clem the Donkey -- the donkey who carried Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem
  • Delbert the Donkey -- the donkey who carried Jesus into Jerualem
  • Starlight the Celestial Stallion -- the horse who rides from Heaven to Earth

Click below to get an overview of each year, download sample lessons, view sheet music, and more!
Look at 1st Year Junior Church Curriculum
Look at 2nd Year Junior Church Curriculum
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