5th Quarter Lessons
  1. Hannah Was a Mother
    As we begin our study of the book of I Samuel, the children will learn about the birth of the last judge. We will review our song about all of the judges, Thirteen Judges in All. The children will also learn a new song entitled Hannah Was a Mother. The goal of this lesson is for each child to yearn to be a godly child.

  2. Looking for a Mule
    In this lesson, we will learn more about Samuel, the last judge. Also, the children will be introduced to the first king of Israel, a man whose preparation for being king was looking for lost mules. Boot the Mule will sing a classic mule song entitled All We Like Mules. The goal of this lesson is for each lost child to find Jesus.

  3. Rejected by Man or God?
    As we continue our study of the early kingdom of Israel, we will learn about King Saul, and how he disobeyed God and was rejected by God. During the puppet skit, Gloria VanderBoot and Smithfield the Swine tell the story of Samuel's retirement speech and King Saul's disobedience. The goal of this lesson is for each child to make sure that he is not rejected by God.

  4. David the Shepherd Boy
    In this lesson, we introduce a brand new mule character, Buford the Bethlehem Mule. Buford's master was a man from Bethlehem named Jesse. Buford introduces the children to Jesse's youngest son, the shepherd boy who became the second king of Israel. The goal of this lesson is for each child to strive to be a child after God's own heart.

  5. David and Goliath
    In this lesson, Buford the Bethlehem Mule tells the famous story of the battle between the shepherd boy David and the Philistine giant Goliath. Buford teaches the children that the battle is the Lord's in the action song Climbing Mountains. The goal of this lesson is for each child and adult to trust in God for all of life's problems.

  6. The Fugitive King
    In this lesson, Buford teaches the children how the great hero David became a fugitive, running for his life from the king. Oscar the Pig graces us with his presence as he plays the part of mad King Saul. The goal of this lesson is for each child to trust in God when he is wrongfully accused.

  7. Hospitality Personality
    In this lesson, Buford, Oscar, and Cecilia will teach us about a wise and beautiful lady who was very hospitable and her husband, who was not. Gloria and Cecilia will sing a song to go along with that story entitled Hospitality Personality. The goal of this lesson is for each child to develop a hospitality personality.

  8. Don't Lose Your Head
    In this lesson, Buford, Oscar, and Cecilia will teach the children about King Saul's final battle and how he lost his life. Then they will sing a song entitled Don't Lose Your Head. The goal of this lesson is for each child to learn to follow God's directions in the most trying times.

  9. King David and King Jesus
    In this lesson, the children will learn how after many years of waiting and many years of being a fugitive, David becomes the king, first of the tribe of Judah, then later of the entire nation of Israel. A new song entitled Jesus Is King will be introduced in this lesson. The goal of this lesson is for each child to be a child of the King and to let Jesus rule in his life.

  10. David Really Messes Up
    In this lesson, the children will learn about how King David really messed up. They will also learn how to clean up your messes from a song taken from Psalm 51 entitled Restore. The goal of this lesson is for each child to seek God's forgiveness when they really mess up.

  11. Trouble in David's House
    This lesson tells how King David paid the consequences for his sin for the rest of his life. We will have a special visit this week from Buford the Bethlehem Mule. The goal of this lesson is for each child to avoid consequences of sin by avoiding sin in the first place.

  12. Solomon Asks God for Wisdom
    In this lesson, the children will be introduced to the next king of Israel, David's son Solomon. The children will learn that wisdom is the principal thing in a song entitled W-I-S-D-O-M. The goal of this lesson is for each child to ask God for wisdom.

  13. Solomon Builds the Temple
    In this last lesson in our study of the early kingdom of Israel, we will learn how King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem. Oscar the Pig will try to lend a hoof in the building project, but only ends up spitting nails. The goal of this lesson is for each child to help build the temple of God.