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Chapter 17 - The World's Fair Campaign | |
The First
Meeting - How Mr. Moody Vivified the Work - The Reports of Co-Workers
- The Monday Conferences - Meetings For Children.
When the World's Columbian Exposition
became an assured fact, and Chicago was finally selected as the place of the
celebration, Mr. Moody was quick to notice the possibility which would arise
to carry the Gospel to the multitudes likely to be attracted there. Other men
might have been blind to this, but not this mighty man of God. When he came
to Chicago his mind was clear as to the necessity of a wide Opportunity for
evangelistic movement, and he was in a position to command the services of those
men upon whom God had set the special seal of His approval. His heart had for
some time been fixed upon this work, as is evident from the address he made
after his memorable experience on the steamship Spree, in which he says:
"As I was preparing to leave London after my last visit there, I called upon a famous physician. He told me that my heart was weakening and that I would have to ease up on my work, that I would have to be more careful of myself; and I was going home with an idea that I would ease up a little. During the voyage, the announcement came that our vessel, the Spree, was sinking, and we rolled there for two days helplessly. No one on earth knows what I passed through at the thought that probably my work was finished, and that I would never again have the privilege of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and on that first dark night after the accident, I made a vow that if God would let me live and bring me back to America, I would go back to Chicago, and at this World's Fair, preach the Gospel with all the power He would give me. And God has made it possible for me to keep that vow during the past five months. It seems as if I went to the very gates of Heaven during that two days on the sinking ship, and God permitted me to come back and preach His Son a little longer." After landing on these shores he went to his Northfield home, and having brought the students of Mt. Hermon and Northfield together at six o'clock in the morning, he said to them, "If you have any regard for me, if you love me, pray for me that God may anoint me for the work in Chicago; I want to be filled with the Spirit that I may preach the Gospel as I never preached it before; we want to see the salvation of God as we have never seen it before."
Not only to the students of Northfield
and Mt. Hermon did he emphasize the importance and value of prayer, but he insisted
it upon in other directions so that in all regions there was rising continuous
prayer that the blessing of God might be poured out upon the unsaved masses
which would throng the streets of Chicago.
It was a most fitting thing that the first meeting of this campaign should be
held in the Chicago Avenue Church, known as Moody's church. On the first Sunday
of May, which was bright and beautiful, a great congregation came together in
the church and waited patiently for the appearance of the evangelist. He came
in, followed by Mr. Sankey and other distinguished leaders. When the time arrived
for Mr. Moody to speak, he took for his theme the elder brother in the story
of the prodigal son. If, in his description, he pictured the elder brother as
the meanest man on earth, and unworthy of a father's love, on the other hand
he showed how graciously God received those who, through repenting of their
sins, turned back to Him. The yearning of his own heart that the lost sinner
might be found, was a key note, and gave the characteristics of all the sermons
that were subsequently preached by Mr. Moody and his co-workers in this campaign.
All were animated with the one spirit, that Christ might be presented lovingly,
earnestly, and persistently as the friend of sinners. The vast number of those
who accepted the invitation invariably offered, shows how God set His seal to
simple testimony of this character.
Afternoon services were held in this same church, and again there was another
crowd to hear Mr. Moody, who spoke on the subject of Praise. He had such a full
assurance that God would send a wave of blessing over the city that his heart
was filled with praise in anticipation of it. The invariable desire on the part
of Mr. Moody to praise God with his whole heart for anticipated blessings was
one of the marked characteristics of his faith. This is as rare as it is beautiful,
and it was the theme of that afternoon meeting. At night the church was thronged
again, while services were also held in other places. Special meetings in different
parts of the city were also conducted by the students of the Institute. So passed
the first day of the great campaign in Chicago. The sins and sorrows of the
city lay like a heavy burden on Mr. Moody's heart, and it became evident, as
his plans matured, that his design was not merely to reach the multitude of
strangers who were pouring into the city, but that he might also influence the
citizens themselves. The moral condition of the city was beyond description.
Sunday was the great holiday of the week; all the places of amusement were open;
the worst features of a Sunday on the Continent were observed, and nothing but
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit could check the tide.
It is no easy matter to plan and carry into execution the details of a great
campaign like this, but Mr. Moody was in perfect command of the situation. He
spent hour after hour waiting upon God, and God in response opened door after
door of opportunity. Difficulties vanished as they were approached, and what
had seemed to be utterly impossible was accomplished. As the days went by the
magnitude of the work was very much increased. The great buildings were secured
in different sections of the city, theatres, halls, churches and missions were
opened. The large circus tent of Forepaugh was also secured. Five other great
tent tabernacles were moved from section to section, and sometimes great crowds
assembled in the open air. Speakers were assigned to these places, and day after
day for months there went out a testimony for God such as perhaps no other city
of the world has had.
Mr. Moody had surrounded himself with a company of men with whom it was one
of the greatest privileges to be associated. The men most used of God in evangelistic
work went there, as well as a large number of others who had been gifted with
the power of Gospel singing. The singing was one of the strong features in all
the meetings, and contributed largely to their success. Mr. Moody always made
the most careful arrangements for the song services in connection with the meetings.
Indeed the singing was a feature of no small importance in all these meetings.
Where it was possible, great choirs were organized under skillful directors
and these, together with great congregations who were once wrought up into the
spirit of praise, would fill the buildings with such music as is rarely heard.
Wherever Mr. Moody conducted evangelistic services he paid the same careful
thought to the services of praise, and the meetings in the Chicago campaign
will by many be remembered best for the magnificent singing.
As a rule when the services of the day were over, Mr. Moody would meet with
his co-workers at the Bible Institute. Each speaker, as he came in from some
different section of the city, would be greeted with a cordial word from Mr.
Moody and an inquiry as to the nature of the services. Almost without exception,
the reports were of the most encouraging character. Not only were the audiences
large, but often the aisles were filled with chairs, great crowds as well being
turned from the doors, unable to get in. Often the report was that large numbers
had definitely accepted Christ.
At all such reports Mr. Moody's face would be lighted up with a look of intense
pleasure. From the beginning, the only reason that he had for holding these
services was in order that sinners might be saved. While he was always glad
if Christians were reached and lifted up into a higher level of experience,
still the deeper joy came to his heart when some lost man or woman might be
through his, or his colleagues', preaching led to accept Christ. Rarely an evening
passed that such news was not brought in to the great joy of Mr. Moody. God
had so singularly owned the work from the beginning that scarcely a meeting
passed without some being led by the Spirit of God to a definite surrender of
themselves to His service. It was a privilege to look upon Mr. Moody's face
when these reports were brought in by different speakers. When the last one
had reported, the meetings would close with praise and prayer. No one who was
privileged to attend these after-services in the Institute will ever forget
the delightful fellowship of these godly men. They had come from all parts of
the world. They had been most largely used of God, and were men of wide and
varied experiences. The evening would be spent, not merely in the giving of
reports of the special services from which they had come, but other things drawn
out of past experience would he brought in, so that one would feel that he was
in some special way connected with the carrying out of God's purpose, as he
might listen or contribute something to these meetings.
By reason of the work connected with the meetings themselves, the men might
come in very much exhausted, yet, after such a meeting as has been spoken of,
there would come a sense of a new baptism of the Spirit, and in their waiting
upon God there would be a renewal of strength for whatever service might lie
before them.
In accordance with the custom of the Institute, Mondays were set aside as days
of conference and rest. Mr. Moody would meet the workers from all parts of the
city and put to them questions as to the results of the week's work. These meetings,
by reason of the suggestions and comments that were offered, were not only deeply
interesting, but also exceedingly profitable. Mr. Moody himself would put questions
to those who had been conducting the meetings. He would inquire about the progress
of the work, ask the number of people that had been present, and how many of
them had made up their minds to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. He would also want
to know the different nationalities that might be represented, as to the proportion
of the working men and of the poor, desiring to learn, if possible, how many
of those attending were representatives of visitors to the World's Fair. Then
these workers would be asked to give their opinion as to the value of the meetings
compared with others which had been held by these same workers at other places.
Questions of this kind, and answers given by trained and skillful workmen, would
bring out the most useful suggestions. It was also discovered that at the tents,
congregations were a thousand or more at the evening services, and perhaps half
as large in the day services. These audiences were made up not only of Protestants
but also of Roman Catholics. In some sections, the neighborhood being almost
altogether Roman Catholic, perhaps more than three-fourths of the great audiences
would belong to that faith. In some of the tents were large numbers of workingmen
who would sit with intense interest expressed in their faces, and when the invitation
was given, individuals among these would make decision for Christ.
As a rule, all the churches in the immediate vicinity of the tent meetings were
in perfect sympathy with the work, the ministers attending the meetings and
sitting- on the platform, and the largest number of workers were secured from
these churches.
Some of the most interesting reports were made concerning the children's meetings.
Oftentimes Sunday school teachers would be drawn to these meetings where they
would find their classes assembled, and in many instances, if the members of
the class were not reached, Sunday school teachers would be, and those who had
not hitherto made a profession of faith would come out definitely for Christ
in these meetings.
In all the sections where these meetings were held, the spiritual power of the
neighboring churches was intensely magnified. The prayer meetings of the local
churches grew in attendance, and the Sunday services were far better attended
than ever before.
It was most interesting also to hear the reports of the men who had charge of
the great meetings in the theatres. Sometimes, as for example at the Empire
Theatre, nearly the whole congregation would consist of men only, and a very
large proportion of these men would be not only out of work, but drinking men.
For these, temperance meetings were held, and hundreds of pledges were signed
by these men, while hundreds of others yielded themselves altogether to Christ.
While there were large audiences at nearly all the services, some of them reached
enormous proportions. Dr. J. Munro Gibson, of London, who was associated with
Mr. Moody in his campaign, said on returning to London, "While the Fair
grounds were quite deserted on Sundays the churches were full. There was little
use trying to get into the churches where Mr. Moody or Mr. McNeill preached
unless you went an hour or two before the time, but even with only a preacher
of ordinary abilities the church would be filled, not only in the morning but
also at the evening service, and it is not an easy thing to secure a good attendance
for evening services in Chicago." It was not only on Sunday nights, but
on week nights as well. Many of the great buildings were thronged long before
the hour of opening. At the Haymarket Theatre, in West Madison Street, where
Mr. Moody was to preach, a great throng would stand in the streets long before
the doors were opened, and when they were opened every available inch of space
would be filled in an almost incredibly short time, and those who failed to
gain entrance would be directed to some place for an overflow meeting, to which,
however, they could by no possibility be induced to go until assured that Mr.
Moody would speak there.
Perhaps the most extraordinary meetings in point of number, were those held
in Forepaugh's circus tent,' and those in Tattersall's Hall. When Mr. Moody
was arranging to secure the use of the mammoth tent, he had difficulties in
making an agreement with the manager, who expected Sunday to be his great day
in Chicago, but he was finally prevailed upon to allow him the use of it for
Sunday morning, reserving Sunday afternoon and evening for his show. When these
arrangements were being made, one of the circus men contemptuously asked him
if he supposed it would be possible to get an audience of 3,000. What must have
been his surprise when, arriving on the scene Sunday morning, he found assembled
a vast congregation of 18,000 people, whereas the attendance at the circus in
the afternoon and evening was so poor that the performances had to be given
up altogether on Sundays. This was perhaps the greatest throng that attended
any one service. After an hour of singing by the great choir and congregation,
Mr. Moody spoke from the text, "The Son of Man is come to seek and to save
that which was lost." His whole being seemed to be under the control of
the power and Spirit of God, and never perhaps did he speak with so much earnestness
as to this vast multitude.
It was at this service that the pathetic incident happened where a little child
was lost, and Mr. Moody taking the little one in his arms made an effort to
discover the parents. As the anxious father made his way toward the platform,
Mr. Moody, still holding the child, said, with tears streaming down his cheeks,
"this is what Jesus Christ came to do, he came to seek and save sinners,
and to restore them to their heavenly Father's embrace." It was a most
solemn service and will never be forgotten by any one who had the privilege
of attending.
Toward the close of the meetings Mr. Moody said, "We have to-day everything
to encourage us, and nothing to discourage us. This has been by far the best
week we have had. The Gospel has through this agency been brought to 150,000
people during the week. I have never seen greater eagerness to hear the word
of God, The largest halls are too small for the crowds that come to many of
the services. One night, for instance, on my way to the Fair Grounds, I beheld
one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen on earth. It was a wonderful
display of fireworks and illuminations, tens of thousands of people gazing on
the scene. It seemed useless to expect any one to come away from that scene
and sit down in a tabernacle to hear the Gospel; but the house was filled, and
we had a blessed meeting. The following nights though cold and rainy, with a
damp, uncomfortable room, the people crowded in until every inch of space was
occupied. I thank God that I am living in Chicago to-day; these have been the
happiest moments of my life; what a work He has given us to-day; what encouragements
He has given us; how He has blessed us. Perhaps never in your life will some
of you have an opportunity to do as much for Christ as now.
Though it required a vast sum of money, Mr. Moody was equal to the occasion,
and raised every dollar. Northfield was deeply interested in the work, and contributed
largely. The work being presented by Dr. Gordon, of Boston, a contribution of
about $10,000 was sent to Mr. Moody from Northfield after Dr. Gordon's appeal.
Mr. Moody himself had great skill in getting good collections. When he had to
leave the Haymarket Theatre, he said to the audience, "How many people
believe we ought to go on? Just lift your hands." And when they had their
hands up, he said, "Now put them down deep into your pockets, and help
us to carry it on."
No work of this kind can be measured in terms of money. I am sure that in the
days to come there will still be great harvests gathered from this sowing, and
this World's Fair campaign will doubtless be numbered among the greatest ever
conducted by Mr. Moody.